New Creations... and Vikings Team!
There is just something about those Vikings! No matter if you are a Viking fan or not- that last play was the most incredible, bone chilling thing in the history of football! Even if you aren’t a football fan- I am convinced you have heard about the epic MIRACULOUS win that happened on Sunday. I would like to state that I know it’s easier for me to find hope in this Vikings situation because I am a Vikings fan- but if you bear with me for a minute- this hope isn’t just for Vikings fans, I really believe it’s for America. The Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics are going to be huge events that are going to spread hope and unity across America and God is the director of it all.
America is desperate for hope! I think we can all agree that 2017, America kind of lost her marbles for a hot minute; however, it was last year that a shift took place in the American culture. The truth is being set free. Silence is being broken. It’s the beginning of a new era. Look at the “me too” movement- and it’s going to become the “never again” era! What used to be considered “normal” is being called out and shifted into a new healthier “normal”.
Here we go with the Vikings analogy. The old pattern says GREATEST DISAPPOINTMENT. The old pattern tells us to stop believing we will win. Don’t get your hopes up too high… but no more! The Word of God literally says- “When we submit ourselves to God, we are a new creation! The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
The old said that we were done. We only had 10 seconds left- and what I love is that the commentators were saying that they needed to get a play and go out of bounds. My husband was even screaming to go out of bounds as the play was happening… but he went home (to the end zone) instead. Some say it was Prince, and it totally could have been- but if it was, it is because God sent him down. There is no denying the MIRACLE that happened on that field. And I believe God will be on that field these next two games too. History is being made! God is restoring hope across the nation. Receive it! Hope for a better future- hope for the truth to shine in this dark world we are living in. Hope for new change after being disappointed year after year.
I hate that Satan is always trying to get us down. Always trying to distract us from hearing, seeing, and walking in God’s love and peace. Satan is constantly whispering and trying to convince us how we are our old self. Example: You will and always will be a/an (insert lie here: drug addict, alcoholic, adulterer, liar, depressed, full of anxiety, family destroyer, mistake, thief, drama queen, desperate…). The truth is, when we surrender to God, we become new! He washes our sins away and makes us PURE AND WHOLE again. Thank you Jesus!
So let me end on this note… watch for DIVINE HOPE to spread across America like wild fire the next few weeks. It’s going to be contagious!
Oh, and SKOL!