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Calling All Women! (Sorry Bruh) 2.0

I’m not going to lie to you- I’ve been struggling. I know God is good. I know His Will is the best thing we could ever wish for, dream of, or imagine... but what if His Will doesn’t align with ours?

God is always answering prayers. He’s working all the time. I’m in this small group with my sister and a bunch of amazing ladies, and one of our girlfriends was in labor! She was having contractions for over 24 hours but only dilated to a 5 (this news to an overdue expectant mother is DEVASTATING). She was tired. Feeling the pain. Needing strength. Her older sister (who is in our small group too) called out to us to start praying. One by one, five ladies replied with prayers for strength, rapid results, and health- and no joke- one hour and eight mins.. her healthy baby boy was born! (Mom and Baby Ross are both healthy and doing well). Prayer works!

With that being said- Lily’s been sick and I’ve been praying for healing. I have fasted for Lily. I have begged and pleaded to God to heal her. But it just seems to be getting worse. It’s rough. Draining. I am in dire need of strength.

Yesterday was again, hard- just exhausted- emotionally and mentally. I didn’t really want to go to small group (a different one than previously mentioned but filled with equally incredible woman) but as I was just talking with God, He gave me this incredible picture.

My fire (passion) for God was dwindling. The devil continually tries to smother that fire with life circumstances but my fire needed oxygen. And as much as God is THE breath of life- He also placed those around us to be breaths of life too. I’m fueled by others prayers and encouragement. Now, let me be clear- I am not saying we should seek others for approval and self worth- I used to do that. I still sometimes do. But it's not good for us! We should be aiming to seek our self worth and approval through God. (I mean.. we ARE Princesses of the High King!)

Ladies, we are to breathe life into each other! Be kind to one another. Focus on encouraging instead of being rude. Try understanding instead of judging. Focus on bettering yourself rather than those around you. We are called to love like Jesus.

So I went to small group... more reserved than usual. We had some amazing food and chatted (Food and Faith always go together!). Then we watched the first two days of Francis Chan’s Greater Than series and wow. Usually we watch only one video and then discuss, but today we watched two- and Day 2 were the words that I needed to hear at that moment- God’s always speaking! It was about pain and strength that’s developed through pain. I couldn’t hold back the tears. And I was embraced with love, inspiration, prayers, and peace by these lovely ladies. Their breaths gave me the much needed oxygen to the dwindling fire within my soul. God places woman and friendships in your life for that very reason.

Round three of this ladies devotional group is starting Feb 24!

So what does this mean for you?

  1. Within the next ten days, download the Holy Bible App

  2. Link yourself to the group: Good Morning Girls - Intentionally Focused:

  3. Daily participation with God- this plan, “Good Morning Girls - Intentionally focused” lasts 54 days. It shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes per day. If you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you to write something- write it! If you need prayers that day- write them!

  4. Invite others to join!

If you are having problems finding this, please reach out to me so we can get you started!

This devotional group is meant to build a community among other women, who are seeking Jesus, so that we can start encouraging, blessing, praying, loving, and BREATHING LIFE into each other! There is an undeniable thing happening across the nation right now- and it's women empowerment - and I believe God is calling Godly women to rise up and start bonding over love and not hate. Grace and not judgement. Is He calling you to rise up?

I’m so thankful for the women I have breathing life into me with their words of encouragement and surrounding me in love and prayers. Thank you God for friendships.

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